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Two Day Letterpress Course

A two-day workshop ​includes simple typographic instruction and page layout design with a short history of western word based printing. Using original C19 and C20 woodletter, metal type and picture blocks you can make small posters and greeting cards, printing them on two Albion presses from 1862 and 1875. The course focuses on skills and quality rather than volume production. 


Day 1 is an Introduction to Letterpress: a little history of it, as well as technical information. Together we’ll make an A3 poster using woodletter and metal type, and you will become familiar with the components, tools, presses and inking technique.


On Day 2 you will make your own piece: a typographic poster perhaps, or an inspirational quote, or maybe some greeting cards.


  • Suitable for 14 years and up

  • Workshop duration 10h with full tuition

  • £130 per person

  • We provide all tools, equipment and proofing papers, and heavyweight cartridge for the poster on Day 1.
    You can bring or buy specialist paper or card stock for your own project on Day 2.

  • Bring a packed lunch

  • Maximum 4 people



To request, or book into a scheduled course please Contact Us


General Workshop Information


woodblock letterpress
Inking up
Letterpress Poster
Letterpress printers
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